On this weeks blog, I am listing three prophetic words and insights that were given to the Cornerstone congregation over the last couple weeks. The Holy Spirit is the originator of these “Rhema” words but the vessels He chose to speak through are Charlene Miller, Bonnie Frey and Garth Fazio. Thank you for your faithfulness and encouragement to the body of Christ.

From Charlene Miller;

“God is Bringing Back HIS ROARING TWENTIES!!

 The Lord has been speaking to me about 2020”s, he reminded me of how Jacob had to work for 20 years to take possession of his wives and his freedom from his father in law Laban. (Gensis31:38-41)

The people of Israel waited to be freed from King Jabin who did nothing but oppressed, Father then began to raise up his Deborah’s and Barak’s who help to get them FREEDOM. (Judges4-5)

So, I believe what I have been shown is that we are being awaken to march, to be part of an army that he is teaching us the ART of War, to be VICTORIOUS, and to OCCUPY the LAND that he has given over us to watch. To RULE and REIGN! To see what it is to be a people who knows TRIUMPHANT!!


 1: having achieved victory or success

2: Rejoicing over successes, or exultant over victory

3: Obsolete, magnificent

The roaring twenties of the 1900’s represented a time of economic prosperity, they had a distinct cultural edge in the USA as well as Europe.

The difference is NOW, as we CONTEND for our godly victories, Father will be teaching and showing us his children, how to fully OCCUPY his land. Now this is the TIME for not just USA and Europe but for ALL mankind!!

The ROAR of the LION of the tribe of JUDAH, is opening his mouth and is wakening all creation to hear his voice and see his ways for all to take part of the plundering of the enemies camp.

We are in a place of seeing restoration in our lives, in the areas of health, wealth (that all of our needs are met) that we LACK for NOTHING!!

He is bringing us to a time, where a great celebrations will begin to happen as, SUDDENLY things begin to happen. SALVATIONS and HEALINGS that we have been praying for, and petitioning God for will become great VICTORIES!! We his children will take hold of and POSSESS the land he is giving us!

FREEDOM will be heard, FREEDOM will be seen, FREEDOM will be known as his people are set FREE from slavery mentality to FREEDOM mentality. Watch as chains that have kept us bound are broken and fall to the ground. 

But know this:  it is going to take ACTION and WORK to see the ankle bracelets and the hand cuffs drop from the lives of people that have only known slavery. We are called to be his HANDS and his FEET to move as he moves. If he goes to the left we go to the left. If he goes straight we go to straight. 

EXPECT the UNEXPECTED!!! In the midst of great WARFARE, there is great VICTORIES, there is great GLORY!! His ROARING TWENTIES will be heard!!!

2021 is a time to march forward and see where many may have felt they have been in a desert place that I am making streams in the deserts, I am calling for you to bloom in places where the world says it cannot be. (Psalms 126;4-6, Isaiah35:1-10, Isaiah 58:11-12) 

Foe even your land is crying out and showing signs to you!

The spirit of God is RAINING his REIGNING presence over the land. And we will rejoice in AWE and WONDER of his MIGHTY LOVE and his great works!! His awesome Glory and Splendor will be seen by many and all will come to know his GREAT NAME!!

 RISE UP it is a time to WAR

               It is a time to ENGAGE in BATTLE

               It is a time to KNOW VICTORY

               It is a time to OCCUPY your LAND

               It is a time for HEALING

               It is a time to REJOICING

               It is a time for BIRTHING

               It is a TIME it is TIME

               It is a time to know how GREAT GOD IS!!!

He is calling now to the Valley of dry bones, hear the sound of the rattling of bones coming together, see the warriors arise and march on, for greater is he who lives in you (who occupies our being), than he who that thinks he owns your land!!!

Can you hear the sound coming forth?  Its TIME to ROAR!!!!!!”

From Bonnie Frey

“This morning in a time of prayer the Lord came and kissed my forehead and when he did it was as if my eyes were opened and immediately I saw in the spirit hundreds if not thousands of horses galloping at full speed! The sound of the horse hooves was thunderous and the cloud of dust that was created was everywhere! They moved with great speed! When I did a search of horse hooves in the Bible it led me to several instances describing the army of the Lord coming forth bringing judgment and righteousness. The sound of all those horse hooves galloping at full speed is so vivid in my mind!

What sorrow for those who say that evil is good and good is evil, that dark is light and light is dark, that bitter is sweet and sweet is bitter. What sorrow for those who are wise in their own eyes and think themselves so clever. What sorrow for those who are heroes at drinking wine and boast about all the alcohol they can hold. They take bribes to let the wicked go free, and they punish the innocent. Therefore, just as fire licks up stubble and dry grass shrivels in the flame, so their roots will rot and their flowers wither. For they have rejected the law of the Lord of Heaven’s Armies; they have despised the word of the Holy One of Israel. That is why the Lord’s anger burns against his people, and why he has raised his fist to crush them. The mountains tremble, and the corpses of his people litter the streets like garbage. But even then the Lord ’s anger is not satisfied. His fist is still poised to strike! He will send a signal to distant nations far away and whistle to those at the ends of the earth. They will come racing toward Jerusalem. They will not get tired or stumble. They will not stop for rest or sleep. Not a belt will be loose, not a sandal strap broken. Their arrows will be sharp and their bows ready for battle. Sparks will fly from their horses’ hooves, and the wheels of their chariots will spin like a whirlwind. They will roar like lions, like the strongest of lions. Growling, they will pounce on their victims and carry them off, and no one will be there to rescue them. They will roar over their victims on that day of destruction like the roaring of the sea. If someone looks across the land, only darkness and distress will be seen; even the light will be darkened by clouds.” Isaiah 5:20-30  NLT

From Garth Fazio

“Preface:  About a week before I wrote this word below, I reflected back on the spiritual journey and process the Holy Spirit had taken me through the year of 2020.  It was quickly outlined and appeared as steps to personal revival first, which will then lead to corporate revival as a church!    I believe I was a first fruit of what the Holy Spirit wants to do with the corporate body of Christ in the upcoming year and stands as a prophetic word for those who desires more of Him and are willing to surrender to His consuming fire!  Be blessed!

The spirit of revival is alive and well and has always been available to each one of us and His church.  It has not just been for an age, time or season alone but should be a way of life for those who abide in Christ!  Will not the Lord come as a consuming fire, first to burn off those things, which are impure, defiling and cause separation from our communion with the Father!?  Are not the offerings throughout the Word symbolize a sacrifice and surrender of the things of this world?  Our portion is not the fat of rams, that is His and His alone!  Will He not activate our faith as we offer the first fruits of our increase on the altar and present our bodies as a living sacrifice to Him!?    

Cornerstone church and those who are willing to commit to the ways and purposes of the Lord, the Third Great Awakening will start here in this region as its epicenter!  Has He not already brought us from regions of past revivals?  Some in this body have lived in regions where the first and second Great Revivals have taken place.  Is the DNA of past revivals already not here, is this not the work of His Spirit, cannot some of our spiritual mothers and fathers trace their lineage back to these revivals!?  Revival will flow out in concentric circles like a stone thrown in the water and impact our city, county, state, capital and nation.  Will not even the mountain range Camp David lie on shake and tremble with the terror of the Lord, as His Spirit falls upon the president and His secret service detail!?  Will not this Trump Trumpet the coming of the revival in the land, as he prays and humbles himself!?  However, this transformation and spiritual deluge will first start within ourselves as a personal revival, for the Lord cannot put new wine in an old wine skin!  He will not mingle His pure seed with that, which is defiled or unclean!  Has He not established and answered those prayers of His intercessors, those who’s only desire is to be in His presence and bear the burden of birthing something new in their biological and spiritual children and see the blessings of God’s inheritance!?  Did not God tell Abraham to move from His country and leave his family and their customs and walk into his Godly inheritance!?  Did the Lord not say I will make of you a great nation and bless those who bless you and curse those who curse you!?  Did He not tell Abraham to look to the stars and say to him, I will make your descendants as the stars of heaven and the sand of the sea!?  Moreover, shall not all the nations be blessed through Abraham and His seed!?  

Yes, all the families and kindred in the world shall be blessed by His obedience and so too ours, for we are His seed!  

Revival starts with a passion for Christ, a burning to be in His will, laying down your worldly ambition on the altar even if it takes you to be a shepherd in the desert for 40 years like Moses!  Yes, the spirit and submission of Moses will lead the way! You will have to lay aside the mantle of man and his recognition and call in your life!  For we have two destinies; one carnal of the flesh and one of the Spirit!  You have been greatly humbled and even felt like you missed the boat, you did, the carnal one!  This is the lesson of blind obedience and you will be tested every area in your life.  Cornerstone, you have passed the test!       

Further, a great hunger and desire to be in His Word is evident in those who will experience revival!  For they know, “That in the beginning was the word, the word was with God and the word was God!”  Moreover, “They that wait on the Lord will renew their strength and mount up with wings as eagles!  You will crave more and more of His word and His Spirit; you will want to sup with the Spirit of the Lord!  You will receive insight from the word for correction, doctrine and encouragement for yourself and your inner circle!  You will be so excited to receive express words from the Lord in His word even those of correction, for you will now hear the voice of the Lord!    

Next, the spirit of Enoch will be upon us, we will desire and purpose to walk alone with the Lord in the garden, nothing else matters, for this is the goal of true abandonment!  It is prayer so close it is a relationship first, our prayers will flow out of our relationship with Him!  We will truly know, hear and feel the heart of the Father!  We get to a place of total surrender where we travail for the purposes and desires of Christ in the hour we are in!  Our mind and emotions will be separated and a perfect will of the Father will be attained when we pray; “Lord, thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.”  Further, we find that as we worship Him and pray in the Spirit our prayers are answered!       

Now, a spirit of repentance will fall upon you and overshadow you for days and weeks, you will even wake up from a sound sleep and repent!  You will repent, release trauma, forgive those who have wronged you, hidden things will be revealed to you!  You will have a Spirit filled revelation that repentance is the only avenue or road to going deeper with the Lord!  It will be a consuming tugging and passion on you for weeks!  Yes, a spirit of John the Baptist will be upon you!  Was not John the Baptist the forerunner for the new testament of Christ?  Was he not an oracle for repentance, was that not his call to prepare our hearts to receive Christ!?  Is not water baptism a worldly act or sign of spiritual repentance and a new spiritual dispensation!?   Is it not so in the hour we are in!?  We must first repent to receive the fullness of the person of Christ!  We cannot contain His glory without repentance nor can His Spirit abide in an unclean vessel! 

 Now, you will be in a place that you realize you cannot go any further even though that is your heart’s true desire!  There is something still missing, a blockage!  You do not have complete victory from all your sins!  You will become perplexed and frustrated!  You realize there are still some evil thoughts and compulsions in your life and realize they are strongholds from your past sins!  You see, Satan works on authority in our lives, which is only granted to him when we sin!  This authority we give him allows him to set up strongholds in our lives!  Were not even Christ’s own apostles powerless when casting out a demonic possessed man!?  Did not Christ himself say, this kind comes out only with prayer and fasting!?  Is it not written that fasting will break the yoke!?  Were we all not once yoked to sin, which is a type of bondage!?  A sin or authority that may not have been broken when we receive our salvation.  Does not the Lord want to set the captives free!?  Fasting is a continual sustained prayer that allows the Holy Spirit to break down the walls of authority and the barriers of separation that past sins have caused.  Is not sin itself separation from the father!?  Was not the first sin’s cause or effect’s, separation from God and being dismissed from His garden!?  

Moreover, did not even the great prophet Daniel pray and fast for 21-days to break the stronghold of the prince of the region!?  Is not fasting and the Word of God coupled together our strongest and most effectual prayers!?  We do not war against flesh and blood but against powers and principalities and rulers of darkness in high places! 

 Further, Christ Himself started His ministry with a 40-day fast!  He did this as an example and also as a way of preparation for the warfare ahead of Him.  Fasting humbles us and breaks down the glass ceiling, a ceiling we did not know existed!  We will receive great spiritual revelation and gifts as we fast and pray!  Importantly, now that you have fasted and cleaned your spiritual closets, He will now renew your mind and re-program you for Christ.  You will have an aversion for sin in a greater way then ever before.  He will physically and spiritually reprogram you; you may even feel this happen to you during the night as he over shadows you!  He will retune our ear to hear His voice.  You will renew the covenant with our eyes. Was not Lot defiled by beholding the sins of the land even though he did not partake of them?  You will no longer be able to watch things on TV that you used to watch or go to places you used to go to or look at things you used to look at!  Conviction of sin will be palatable!  You will have the mind of Christ!  You will dream dreams when you sin and God will show you the authority you just gave the enemy!  For when we sin, we open a door to the enemy and allows him to work that vile thing in our life, we grieve the Holy Spirit, lose authority and sensitivity to His Spirit!       

In addition, you will start to understand the connection between mind and body and how it impacts your Spirit.  You will start to avoid certain foods and embrace a more whole food diet.  For He wants you to eat the fresh produce and fruit of the land but abstain from excess and things that defile or are deemed unhealthy.  Our body will become balanced in all areas for the Lord’s work and calling!  If you want and claim the health of Moses and Joshua, which was said they possessed the strength of a warrior all the days of their lives and they lived to 120 years of age, you will have to eat, fast and pray as they did!  The promise is not without effort on our part but is conditional!  He will place this desire in your heart for those who are called and willing to pay the price!  Ask God to put all your appetites under His submission and will and to tear down all spiritual strongholds you may have allowed the enemy to set up in your life!  

As we separate ourselves and become holy, the spirit of Elijah will be released on us for his spirit is a forerunner for what he wants to do to in the season we are in and revival, much like the spirit of John the Baptist!  This spirit and anointing will enabling us to come against the wicked systems and principalities, which have been set up over the nations!  We will be spiritually equipped to overcome all governmental systems of witchcraft and the spirit of Jezebel and Ahab!  The altars of Baal will be shattered by the spirit of Elijah!  God will now be able and willing to bestow greater spiritual gifts on us; the gifts of healing, prophecy, words of knowledge, teaching and exhortation!  He will fill us up and give us wonderful dreams and gifts during our sleep!  He desires to give us the best gifts but we need to be a ready vessel for what He has for us!  We will start to be commissioned for His divine call in our lives!  Be ready for God to launch you out supernaturally!  Moreover, God can now heal our land and answer the prayers of his people!  Jeremiah 29:12-14 “Then you will call upon Me and pray to Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.  And I will be found by you, declares the Lord, and I will restore your fortunes and gather you from all the nations and from all the places you have been driven to, declares the Lord, and I will bring you back to the place from where I sent you into exile.”  

Be aware, Satan will now try and kill you, he will try and do this spiritually and physically!  He recognizes a holy mantle and like King Herod, he will send his minions out to assassinate you as soon as Christ births something new in you and as you are walking in your destiny!  Elijah had a death sentence placed on him by Jezebel as soon as the 500-prophets of Baal were killed and the curse lifted!  Did they not chop of the head of John the Baptist as he heralded the way of the Lord!?  Did they not also try and kill the new born Christ!?  Moreover, did not Satan tempt the Lord and attempt to kill Him after Christ fasted 40-days and was about to embark on His mission here on earth!?  You will see Satan’s hand in this it will be clear and evident, he will try and kill the Lord’s anointed!  Fear not, for greater is He that is within you then He that is in the world!  Just stand on the word of God as your sword, bled the blood and use the name of Jesus.  Satan must submit to those forms of warfare.  

Importantly, pray the prayer of protection while you travel for you are stepping outside your normal realm of authority into another region ruled by another dark prince, for this is where warfare will be at its strongest!  He will try and kill you if you become complacent or without your full armor!  Do not lay your head down to sleep in a strange place without casting out any foul spirits and establishing your authority.  Are there not great rewards for the demons that can assassinate you in your sleep!?  Have some not been martyred in this way because of their ignorance!? “

God bless you!!!

