March 7, 2024

For what I am birthing right now in this new day will only come to, and through, those who dedicate themselves to prayer and fasting. For what I am releasing cannot come cheaply. I am calling My people to deeper consecration. I am calling My people to deeper surrender. For you cannot serve the world and serve Me. You cannot serve your own desires and your flesh and serve Me. For I am thundering the call from heaven again to, “Abandon all and come all in to what I am doing in this hour.”

Many are coming before Me with their “all in” with “conditions.” I am the God who defines the conditions and the condition of My Church in this hour is one that requires My fire to fall. For My fire is about to fall on mixture, complacency and half heartedness.

I am calling you, My people, surrender ALL. I am calling you into the new things I am doing, but you MUST come in without your own agendas. You must come in without your own conditions. For I am the One who determines the manifestation and release of My Glory in the earth and the move of My Spirit, for it is not up to man to determine where and how I move.

For I am returning My people to an understanding that I am the God of the heavens and the earth. For man has tried to take My place and this pride has grieved My heart. In this hour I am about to deal with pride that will offend MANY minds and hearts. I am about to deal with pride in such a deep shaking that many will see it as UNEXPECTED and will call it NOT GOD, but indeed it is My hand: for I am building upon PURE FOUNDATIONS in this hour and the mixture within My Church has grieved My heart.

‘My Church has shied away from being deeply consecrated unto Me and called it “religion,” but I say true religion is to be separated and unspotted from the world (James 1:27). I am bringing My people back to a sure foundation of My Word in order to purify her of her double-mindedness. (James 1:8, James 4:4-8, AMPC version.)

‘Am I not the King of kings and Lord of lords? Am I not the One who created the heavens and the earth with My Words? Who else is like Me? Who holds the stars in their hands? No one else but Me! For do I not say that I resist the proud and give grace to the humble (James 4:6-8)? For My fire is about to fall on the culture of the parading of names and the elitism that is DIVIDING My Church.

‘For a fierce wind of My Spirit is upon My Church. There is a sudden storm coming upon My Church that is going to purify, refine and sift. I am going to shake like I have never shaken before, and it will reveal the hearts of those that are for Me and those who are against Me: and I say unto you that MANY will be SHOCKED at who is not for Me.

For I am about to expose and reveal hearts. I am going to take down the words that are spoken and the “right words” that are spoken, but the heart is not pure, the heart is not for Me, and many of these ones are leading My sheep astray. They are leading My people astray and these falsities are about to be burned with My fire. I have called and I have called, but My Words have fallen on many deaf ears and NOW My Words will be heard through the powerful demonstration of MY HAND to clear, the shift, to expose and to remove.

For many are heralding a new day with a complacency, but the new day that is upon My people is one of GLORY and one of TREMBLING. It is one where My Glory will be seen in a way that will cause My Church to tremble (Isaiah 66:2). The culture of game-playing in My house is coming to an end and I am dealing with those who seek to compete with Me for the glory.

Watch the places where My Glory is going to fall and reside, watch the humble spaces and places. For many places where My manifest presence will reside, will be unexpected places, but they are FAITHFUL places, they are PURE places, they are not prostituted places.

I am coming to shake, I am coming to shake, to rattle and to roll that which is NOT of Me and has been built on man’s effort and pride (1 Corinthians 3:12-13). Many have thought that the shaking has come and gone, but it’s only just begun.

I am going to shake so violently in this hour that it will RESTORE the AWE of who I am, and it will cause My people to return to My face and their first love, for I am a jealous lover.

Things are about to drastically shift and drastically change. Much of what I have spoken about the new era is ABOUT to begin. I am returning My people to MY HEART and to MY FEET and to MY WORD.

‘Watch the prophetic movement in this hour because I am about to turn it upside down and the PURE PROPHETS shall remain. For what is happening in the prophetic movement and behind the scenes is a prostitution of My revelation and of the secrets of My heart, and it’s time for a demonstration of the PURE PROPHETS and PURE PROPHETIC to be seen across the earth.

Here I come to shake, rattle and roll. Here I come to remove and tear down in an accelerated way what has been built in pride and what has been built in elitism and what has been built on FALSE foundations, deception and to feed the flesh and appetite of man. No longer will the words of My heart be used and abused.

Here comes the fire and the fear of the Lord upon the prophetic movement and the body of Christ. The perfect storm is about to begin and all that is not of Me will NOT REMAIN. It’s a NEW DAY and many are expecting the new day full of joy and celebration — and there will be great rejoicing in what I DO and how I MOVE — but the new day shall precede the restoration of the awe and wonder of who I am. The King of glory. My majesty is going to be manifested and I WILL cause My Church to tremble again.
